Matte Lacquer Finish
Pure white
Chalk White
Lime Gray
Dove Grey
Iron Grey
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Robert A.M. Stern
Contemporary-looking custom paneling
The Avenue boiserie is an exclusive paneling system designed for Lualdi by the architect Robert A. M. Stern.
With its exquisite Anglo-Saxon taste, this solution is perfect for those looking for more classic style wall coverings designed on unconventionally dimensioned modules.
Technical specifications
Una gamma completa: dal legno al metallo, al laccato
Anche per la boiserie Avenue, la gamma di finiture proposta da Lualdi comprende una palette di colori laccati opachi.
* immagini, colori e finiture sono a titolo esemplificativo
Matte Lacquer Finish
Bespoke Avenue boiserie
The Avenue boiserie is made to order, using shaped panels with geometric relief on one side in matte lacquer paint. Dimensions: width from 600 mm up to 1200 mm; height max 3000 mm.
Our designers are available to define the most suitable solution for each specific aesthetic and functional requirement.
American architect, university professor, theorist and academic, Robert A.M. Stern marked the history of postmodernism.
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