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Places: living spaces

The second meeting investigates PLACES OF LIVING and the relationship between domestic spaces, people, time and technology

At a time when cities are changing fast and new residential projects are modernising the urban context, the idea of “home” is expanding beyond the spatial boundary of the threshold. Places of living are no longer limited to traditional domestic spaces, but extend to a number of interconnected areas that reflect the complex relationship between people, time and technology.

New modern homes are no longer simple dwellings, but social and cultural “hubs”. Residential complexes integrate workspaces, common areas and shared services, creating a synergy between private and social life. These places are designed to promote interaction and connection between people, encouraging the formation of communities and mutual support.

Technology plays a key role in this new living landscape. Homes are equipped with smart systems that optimise energy efficiency, safety and comfort. Thanks to home automation, devices and appliances can be controlled with a simple touch, making everyday life more comfortable and customisable. In addition to this, new communication and global communication technologies allow people to remain constantly connected to each other and to the outside world, which influences their perception of time and space.

In conclusion, places of living are constantly changing, expanding the idea of home beyond traditional boundaries. The complex relationship between domestic spaces, people, time and technology generates new opportunities and challenges, requiring careful and conscious design. It is important to seek a balance between community and individuality, harnessing the potential of technology to create inclusive, sustainable and adaptable living spaces.

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