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Opening Doors, Connecting Cultures

London, May 2024

Lualdi hosted an exclusive event at its London showroom in collaboration with the Italian Chamber of Commerce and Industry for the UK and curated by Daniel Gava, Board Advisor to the Design Industry.

Opening Doors, Connecting Cultures“, held on May 16th, addressed the topic of integration and collaboration among diverse cultures in the context of the design and architecture world.

Daniel Gava moderated a cross-disciplinary discussion featuring Alberto Lualdi, President of Lualdi Spa, and distinguished speakers such as Domenico Bellantone, Italian Consul General in London, and architect Stefano Cesario, Partner at Foster and Partners.

The discussion explored how integration and collaboration among diverse cultures open doors to new opportunities, promoting cultural, professional, and business growth. It emphasized the role of the Italian design community in the UK and its contribution to British architecture, fostering a vibrant exchange of cultural and professional experiences.

Stefano Cesario remarked, “Our studio embodies the essence of London, its openness, and multiculturalism, a hub where cultural and disciplinary barriers dissolve, and every project is international, reflecting a cross-disciplinary exchange of cultures and sensitivities.”

The event showcased inspiring testimonies from the Italian community in the UK, illustrating the theme introduced by the World Italian Design Day 2024 “Creating Value – Inclusivity, Innovation, and Sustainability.”

Domenico Bellantone highlighted the significant role of the Italian community in London, stating, “The intersection of our cultural roots and London’s cosmopolitan environment has created a unique match of cultures and experiences, enriching London’s cultural and professional fabric.”

Lualdi has long embodied the values of diversity and inclusion in the design industry, collaborating with architects worldwide to explore different cultures and lifestyles, resulting in unexpected opportunities and timeless icons.
London represents a strategic hub for Lualdi, offering tailored project management services and capturing new opportunities, both locally and internationally.

Alberto Lualdi emphasized, “One of our values is the ability to interpret diverse cultures and needs, as reflected in our versatile and flexible interior design solutions.”
Flexibility, integrated approach, collaboration, and multicultural sensitivity are the key elements in offering innovative and sustainable solutions.

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  • Lualdi has long embodied the values of diversity and inclusion in the design industry, collaborating with architects worldwide to explore different cultures and lifestyles, resulting in unexpected opportunities and timeless icons.
    London represents a strategic hub for Lualdi, offering tailored project management services and capturing new opportunities, both locally and internationally.

    Alberto Lualdi emphasized, “One of our values is the ability to interpret diverse cultures and needs, as reflected in our versatile and flexible interior design solutions.”
    Flexibility, integrated approach, collaboration, and multicultural sensitivity are the key elements in offering innovative and sustainable solutions.

    IG @lualdi_official
    FB @lualdiporte
    IN @lualdi
    PNT @lualdidoors

    #lualdi #openingdoors #connectingcultures

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