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Lualdi confirms its participation in the upcoming 3rd edition of BAM Open Air Design, the four-day event dedicated to outdoor design held on the lawns of the Biblioteca degli Alberi di Milano from 7-10 June 2023.

Launched by COIMA Image as part of the BAM cultural program in collaboration with the Fondazione Riccardo Catella, the event was inspired by Alida Catella’s desire to create an event for the city of Milan that testified to the extraordinary changes currently underway, and which acknowledged regeneration, sustainability and beauty as our common future.

Lualdi’s installation, developed by Avenue Architect, will be hosted in one of the open-air exhibition’s 11 “Red Circles”.

The iconic Shoin celebrates the beauty and perfection of nature. A triangular-shaped prism enclosed by a series of fixed and pivot doors creates an open-air room in direct contact with the ground and the sky. 

Outside, the mirrored glass façade integrates and blends seamlessly with its natural surroundings, reflecting glimpses of everyday life in the park. 

6 JUNE 2023

Three pivoting Shoin doors in clear glass create a theatrical backdrop, leading the way into an intimate and reflective space. 

Inside, we find 3 glass reproductions of Mario Carrieri’s work on one side, the beautiful product of his artistic research centred on flowers, photographed as if they were “creatures” whose exquisite beauty is broken by their own inevitable transience. 

The other two mirrored sides offer reflections and superimpositions of people and images, intriguing the observer in a somewhat augmented reality. 

Glass and aluminium, two elements central to the brand’s strategic and creative vision this year, are also symbolically interpreted in the installation.



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